Saturday, August 10, 2024

Website Update - Rise Christian Life Coaching, LLC.


I wanted to share an update regarding my website. God has blessed me with my own Christian Life Coaching business and I wanted to share the website information for anyone who would like to view and/or connect: 

Thank you and God BLESS you!


Praise Report-Major Milestone TGBTG!!!

Praise Report!!!
In October of 2013 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. God healed me through surgeries, chemo, and radiation. After that protocol required that I complete 10 years of oral medication (some of which was paired with injections). Protocol also required a schedule of alternating a a mammogram and breast MRI every six months. In May God blessed me to complete the my time on the oral meds and in July, He blessed me to receive the results of my last breast MRI. The doctor said the results looked great, decided to reduce my check-ups to once every 6 months and cleared to have my port removed. Yesterday, God brought it to pass (port removal complete). The procedure was different from when the port was put in. Time I was sedated enough to still be able to hear and respond and that was used in combination with a local anesthetic. The doctor actually told me when the port was out. Thankful and blessed that the only pain was from the local anesthetic being injected. Even after being in for a few months shy of 11 years, he did not have trouble removing it and following the procedure, even today, the day after, no pain meds have been necessary. The prayers of the righteous availeth much! TGBTG!!!
Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good;

Blessed is the man who trusts in Him! Psalm 34:8 NKJV 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Website Live!

As promised just a quick note: my website is live. If you'd like to heck it out, go to:
To God Be the Glory for the GREAT things He has done, is doing and will do. God Bless & KTF!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

#17 of #17-TGBTG

TGBTG today I received treatment #17 of #17. I wasn't feeling too well earlier this week when I had my labs drawn. Yet again I just put it in God's hands and when I mentioned in a txt that prayerfully my white blood cell count would be where it needed to be for me to receive a treatment, the response from this sister (more like mother in Christ) was not just an "ok", or "ok I 'm praying with you", but an unwavering "It is so!" God always knows what we need and when we need it. When I met with the doctor for my pre-treatment breifing and she shared that my white blood cell count was actually higher than they were before the previous treatment, God again proved why He tells us in His word to trust Him and to lean not on our own understanding-what we think we know and/or feel, how things look. To close this phase out right, afterwards we went to the place that was our staple on so many occasions when my digestive system was much more finicky then it is now-Bill Miller and for those of you who know me-yes I go my have of chicken and ate it too-lol. Me and daddy had a joke when it came to Bill Miller, he would say "ok how many have chickens do you want"-lol.

Last month I mentioned my first speaking engagement for a cancer awareness Sunday and today as chapter of my life is completed, wanted to share what God gave me to share for that occasion. I hope that someone will be encouraged and blessed by it. Here it is:

In September of 2013 during a routine physical, the nurse practitioner discovered a lump in my breast. She told me I was healthy and that it was probably nothing but still wanted me to get it checked out.  After multiple diagnostic procedures including, physical exam by my breast care doctor, ultrasound, MRI, and 2 biopsies, I was diagnosed with breast cancer the very next month. But thanks be to God that while part of His plan for my life, it was not the final stageof His plan and purpose for my life.   Following  chemotherapy, surgeries, radiation, and more chemotherapy, in July 2013, a week before my 30th birthday, God officially changed my status from breast cancer fighter to breast cancer survivor.

This was the greatest battle of my life thus far and while your battle may not be with cancer we all have to put our war clothes on at some point in our lives. As Christians, we are not exempt  from having to go through things. In fact it’s necessary for spiritual growth. A misconception that believers sometimes have is that because they are a believer, life will be smooth sailing and void of any hardships but the truth is we will have many trials and tribulations in this life but God repeatedly tells us “do not be afraid.” But Please be aware, victories don’t just happen and it’s never in our own strength that any battle is won and my victory over breast cancer is no exception. God gave me a faith to match the test from the very beginning even as I was going through diagnostic procedures-He equipped me with faith to live and His grace sustained me the whole way through. Not only did He bless me to overcome but kept a smile on my face in the midst of the battle. 

I’d like to share some principles God gave me to fight with; to stand on; to sustain me…prayerfully it will help someone.

And we know that all things work together for the good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.  Romans 8:28
God is typically not going to reveal ALL of the good that He’s going to bring out of a situation on the front end or even while we’re in it because it would hinder the development or our faith. He wants us to learn to trust Him even before He manifests and brings His word/promises to pass. He reminded me that anything He allows to come into my life is not to destroy me but to build me up.
God has allowed me to see and experience the manifestation of this scripture in the midst of my battle with breast cancer and even now that I am cancer free, He continues to bring more and more “good” out of it. He can use me in greater ways and to encourage more people because of what He’s brought me through, my faith is stronger, and He even gave me a new hairdo that’s still low maintenance and still natural-for those who didn’t know me before, I had locks/dreads- so MANY reasons why it’s been a blessing and not a curse-not to say that there were not rough spots or that the journey has been easy but I’ve been kept and I’m still  being kept by God’s grace that is ALWAYS sufficient for everything we face and experience in life.

Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. Romans 8:37
God did not put a “period” after the word conquerors-by ourselves we can do nothing and by ourselves and in our own strength we are definitely not more than a conqueror but we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. It’s in Christ that we are more than conquerors –we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13).  I believed that I was(and still am) more than a conqueror through Christ. 

God  was not going to take me from this place before He had finished working His plan and purpose in my life-however long that was
Hearing God speak those words to us will facilitate peace and comfort when we consider that God didn’t create us for us, He created us for a purpose and a reason; with a specific plan for our life and that His thoughts are not our thoughts; neither are His ways our ways and that He ALWAYS does what’s right and best AND that He loves us.

Even in the midst of the battle God still expects me to serve Him
He may call us to serve in different capacities than before but He still expects us to serve. By His grace that’s what I strived to do-from the blog He put on my heart and blessed me to start the day after my diagnosis, to continuing to pen poems towards a book of poems-a project that He gave before the diagnosis.  The greater testimony in the publishing of the book is that God blessed me to have published even before I had received the official report/news from the dr. that I was cancer free. We cannot be fooled by the enemy or even ourself-the fact that a war is going on does not put a halt/”stop work order” on God’s plan for our lives. God can bless us not only in the time of peace but also in the middle of a war zone. Our battles do not change Who God is nor do they limit His ability. 

God’s provision will always be “on point”
God’s provision included His word (principles I’ve shared up to this point) and His presence/Himself but it also included the support system that He built around me-family, church family and friends who are more like family - who were there for me not just spiritually through their prayers and cards and words of encouragement but also there in practical ways-from cooking, cleaning, running errands, and yes even fussing , there was not one need that went unmet. It’s often said that the key to victory/overcoming is in the attitude but it’s hard to have and maintain a good and positive attitude in the midst of adversity without faith and it can sometimes be a challenge to Keep the Faith when we don’t have a support system. It’s so important when we’re going through to avoid isolating ourselves from those that God has placed in our lives.

Remember God knows the plans that He has for you. I challenge and encourage you to TRUST Him fully and completely and know that just because you may be facing the greatest battle of your life, it does not have to be the END of your life. You’ve got to be willing to put FAITH and works together. To all of my RSBC family who’ve bee a part of that support system. Thank you and God Bless you.

I'll not be posting on this blog anymore with the exception of communication regarding completion of my website and how to access it. There will be a link to view the blog and all posts on the website. Again to my support system-from my daddy who drove me to every chemo treatment (with the exception of one due to being out of state but even then had a willing sub-one of my aunts) and spent nights with me in the hospital, the rest of my parents and family, church family (RSBC, MBC, LFCC) and friends-everybody who visited and were there for me, to those who couldn't always be there in person but sent texts, cards, and took up their cross as prayer warriors on my behalf; to all who stood with me in faith AND to the medical team that God worked through as well. I thank God for you all! MUCH Love, God Bless & KTF!