Saturday, April 12, 2014

Last Double Treatment and Chemo #7 of 17 in the books!

Getting closer!!! After last week's radiation treatments, I only have 2 more left in this second phase. On Wednesday the plan is for the tech to take film (x-rays) and mark me up again in preparation for the last phase of radiation treatments which they refer to as the boost, where they focus the radiation on the area of my breast that has a scar from the incision made during surgery. I still have that sunburn type irriation on my shoulder area but told the doctor yesterday that I only had a couple more treatments left in that area and that I was good. She warned that it may get worse over the weekend and gave the radiation tech a heads up for the upcoming week. I guess I will find out on Monday (if God says the same), whether or not they will skip that area for that day or go ahead and treat it. Thursday was what should've been my last double treatment day (both radiation and chemo on the same day). In my usual pre-chemo visit with the nurse practitioner who works with both of oncologists, I was informed that something weird must have happened with the samples of the blood drawn earlier that week because there was no way that the results were correct, with the exception of the white blood cell count and the red blood cell count. Red blood cell count was good but white blood cell count was not where they wanted it to be so instead of receiving one neupogen shot they day after chemo, I would have to have 2 neupogen shots (one on the day after chemo which would be Friday and the second one on Monday). They also re-drew blood before getting me started with chemo this time too. The last time I had a double treatment I was tired but still blessed with enough strength to eat and then get to work but this time my strength and energy was left on "e" and I was unable to go to work but even then still blessed with life and I still had fun during the chemo as part of the time me and daddy played this game working together as a team on his notebook or ipad called lines-starting at level 65 by the time we finished-rather got to the point that we were stumped-you know when the challenge of the game is on the verge of becoming stressful because you can't get past the current level LOL- we were on level 83. BTW to make it less confusing and easier to track I'm going to start counting up rather than down with regard to the number of chemo treatments and in reference to the total number, which includes pre and post surgery rather than post surgery only. Thursday was #7 of 17. TGBTG

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