Thursday, July 31, 2014

Treatment #12 in the books & more PRAISE reports; God is STILL at work!

Today in my pre-chemo/treatment appointment with one of the members of the medical team overseeing my treatments, God added to the list of reasons to give Him PRAISE! 1) results of heart echo showed a 5% decrease in the function of the leftside of my heart but that's still ok; they only get concerned and hold treatment if the decrease in heart function hits 10% 2) immune system seems to be where it needs to be and I no longer have to come in for the neulasta shot on the day after treatments. Last time I had that shot I got a bad headache the same night that I could not sleep off that lasted through the next day in combo with lower back aches, which are side effects of the shot itself. What makes it even more of a blessing is that I will not have to worry about these side effects on Saturday where I will be working my first conference as a vendor with my book of poems and bookmarks nor tomorrow late afternoon/evening as I am prepping for it. I am participating in the conference itself as God moved upon the heart of someone to take care of the registration costs. TGBTG again! LOVE Him, His timing and how He works things out! 3) during that same appointment my breast care doctor came in and invited me to the Aurora Foundation Gala Celebrating Life, in addition to me and my parents being "taken care of" in terms of tickets, she mentioned that they would like to include the video of the interview that I mentioned in previous posts (for Best Docs Network, where I was blessed to share my testimony of the journey of overcoming breast cancer) 4) after that, that same member of the medical team that went over the results with me to begin the appointment shared that they had recently diagnosed some young women with breast cancer and that they were struggling with it and asked if I was part of a support group, commenting on my spiritual strength and how I did not lay down and give up after being diagnosis but did just the opposite, both of which she thinks would benefit these women who are struggling with their recent diagnosis and how she believes that God places some people here to make a difference in the lives of others (One correction to that statement: it's not just some of us that God wants to make a difference, God has a special plan and purpose for everyone and He can use ANYBODY who is born again-has confessed with their mouth and believed in their heart that Jesus is Lord. After that we just have to make ourselves available to Him and stay connected to Him so that He can cause us to be fruitful/working in and through us.) My response to her was that I do have a blog but am not a part of a support group though God has built a "support group" around me and that I would be more than willing to talk to them either by phone or email, so she took down my information to pass along to them. I'm always blessed and thankful anytime God uses me to encourage and help somebody else. That's one of the things that gives me joy. TGBTG for the doors He continues to open and for the opportunities He continues to provide. After that I received treatment #12 of #17-just 5 more to go!!! TGBTG God Bless & KTF!!!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

30yrs old and HEALED- TGBTG!!!

Between my 29th and 30th birthday God has given me the victory in the biggest health battle of my life thus far-blessing me to overcome breast cancer-enduring 4 rounds of chemo, 2 surgeries, radiation and more chemo-only 6 more treatments left but recent mammogram and MRI results showed no evidence of cancer; I am healed AND my kidney's and liver are still in good shape. My God is a Healer, my God is a Sustainer, my God is AWESOME! I'm so appreciative, blessed and thankful for all who lifted up me in prayer and stood by me in faith. I've also been blessed today by to those who took the time to txt, call, or post a Happy Birthday message-THANK you, much love, God Bless & KTF!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

MRI Results & Chemo #11 of 17-PRAISE God!!!

Yesterday the last question that I was asked to answer in yesterday's interview is "where are you now?" My reply-waiting on results of MRI and still trusting.Then towards the end of yesterday's blog post I said that God-willing, I would have more praise reports to share regarding my MRI results and treatment. Well God willed it! Key phrases in the findings:"No residual abnormal enhancement is identified" " no suspicious enhancement is seen" -translation no cancer found!!! TGBTG We already believed by faith but here is more evidence that God is my Healer/our Healer, He is FAITHFUL & AWESOME!!! God also blessed to neulasta shot to work so well that my white blood count was found to be on the high end which was good going into another treatment today. And to add to the joy of the day thus far, who was there in the chemo room receiving a treatment? Mr. Soto :-) He is the godly man we met on my first day of chemo (he and his wife). He asked my daddy on that day if he could add me to his church's prayer list and of course the answer was yes. He looked well and said to us today that he had been praying that he would see us today and there we were. I got a picture with him before they got me all hooked up for my treatment. Today was treatment #11. Only 6 more left!!! PRAISE God, PRAISE God, PRAISE God!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Best Docs Network Interview-TGBTG

The interview for Best Docs Network that I mentioned in a previous post was this morning. God is so FAITHFUL-blessed the interview-gave me the words to share in response to the questions and He brought the whole set-up together-backdrop and all-the producer and camera man set up shop in my apartment. I was even able to keep my house shoes on during the interview because they only shot from waist up :-) (no worries the rest of me was dressed up lol). The producer explained before we started that I would need to reiterate the questions she asked before answering them because her voice would be edited out-God helped me to do it in a way that flowed and the producer was happy that she didn't have to stop me and remind me over and over again. She also commented that she found my "positive energy" very inspiring-TGBTG. I was told that it will probably be ready to air on one of the local channels here in late August and that she would provide links for me to share with those who were not able to catch it. I'm planning to post the link on the blog as well. They took a few shots of me doing normal activities after the interview was over and one of the additional shots was of me reading the word. Guess what book and chapter number God blessed me to open up to?! Psalm 34. I was blessed by multiple verses, which seemed so appropriate on this day and in this season of my life and the testimony that He's given me thus far: "I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth." Ps 34:1 "I sought the Lord and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears." Ps 34:4 "The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing." Ps 34:10 "Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all." Ps 34:19 "The Lord redeemeth the soul of his servants: and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate." Ps 34:22 What a MIGHTY God we serve; What an AWESOME God we serve! TGBTG for the Great things He has done, is doing and will do!!! God willing-I will have more praise reports to share regarding the results of my MRI and receiving another treatment! I know many are still praying for me and there may be some that are praying for me that I know not of. The prayers of the righteous availeth much-Thank you, thank you, thank you. God Bless & KTF!!!