Saturday, April 5, 2014


Radiation treatment #18 of 33 completed on yesterday morning. I've noticed some changes in skin color in some of the area that's been treated via radiation. The dr. also told me in our regular Friday post radiation appointment, that I could start using that Eucerin creme that I was given a sample of but not before treatment and that there's a possibility that next week I could start to feel some irritation in the areas being treated and that they may have to give me a break, but I know God's still got me and He will do what's best-whatever that is. Next chemo scheduled for Thursday (counting down from the 13 treatments I had left post sugery, this will be #11). This morning God blessed me to run the 5k Race for the Cure. 2012 was the only other year that I've participated and that was because it was our singles ministry outreach activity for that month (marathons are not my preferred method of exercise). Often times it takes either our firsthand experience or seeing someone close to us going through it before we're moved to the point of action, support or contributing in some way to a cause that's bigger than us. Now this time it was our singles ministry outreach activity again but this time there was a deeper meaning for me-never thought I'd be in the number of women battling breast cancer but I'm thankful that God blessed me with the strength and energy to run while still in the midst of treatments and that He continues to move me closer and closer to that official "Breast Cancer Survivor". I was also blessed that some of my single sisters participated as well. One had also included my name on the list of those she was walking for which she wore on her back-I was blessed by that too. In addition to that I was introduced to a 25yr cancer survivor and then to one who was still in the midst of treatments- not official yet but like me still here and on the way-there was a special comradery. Though she told me good luck, after which I said God bless you. I know she had best of intentions in mind but I know in whom I believed (and do believe); He's the reason I'm still standing, the source of my joy and peace, and the One Who has continued to bring me through every obstacle in this journey thus far. TGBTG.

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