Thursday, March 20, 2014

Reflections: God's Goodness and 1st Double Treatment (Radiation & Chemo)

I'm on the fatigued side as I type this evening's post BUT God is good and He's still given me SO MANY reasons to say thank you. For each day of life, for His presence and His faithfulness in each day of life, for His keeping power and healing power that is yet at work in me and for His grace and mercy that is sufficient for each and everyday that He gives us on this side of glory. In addition to that God has also really been blessing and lining things up regarding a special project that He's given me-more on that in a later post BUT as the Planet Shakers put it in their song, "Big"-God's plans for me go beyond my wildest dreams... It's been a busy week, with the special project I mentioned above (btw this is a project outside of work and I would hope minds would not wonder in the wrong direction in trying to guess but just in case-yes it is legal-lol), driving out of town and back for work yesterday following my radiation treatment for the day, back to the office for the remaining time at work, then visiting a dear sister who's always a joy to be around, and today my first day of double treatment-radiation followed by chemo and then a 3hr work-related meeting after that. Still got my weight training in Mon-Wed this week and God-willing will get some cardio in on tomorrow (today would have normally been a cardio day too but it has been my practice on chemo days not to do any workout on the day of). Even a busy week is a blessing because I remember when-I remember when I had to pretty much stay in my apartment; I remember when I wouldn't have even attempted to drive out of town on my own; I remember when I had to rehab my arm and workout at home because I wasn't ready to be back in the gym yet-God has increased my strength pretty close to the weight that I was lifting before the diagnosis and treatments-the intensity is more comparible to that time frame to. Last weekend just to be able to pretty much have a singles ministry day (that's what it felt like)-real talk that morning-Blessed time there, then that evening movies and dinner-God really blessed the fellowship the whole day-I remember when I wouldn't have been able to do that because of the effects of the pre-surgery chemo. God is Good. Anyway I guess I ought to get to today's treatments and dr's visit. It's just that we have to be so careful not to leave God out by losing sight of His presence, His blessings and the importance of staying prayed up and armored up, not just some of the time but all the time because the enemy is always looking for a place to get a foothole, ways to distract, discourage and tear down. What we go through/are going through is only a part of a much larger picture. So back to todays treatments for real now-lol. Radiation was smooth sailing once again. The tech got me lined up perfectly on the first try, so short and sweet yet again and no burning as a result of the skin exposure. After that we (me and daddy-always enjoy our bonding time:-))met briefly with the assistant who works for both my overall breast care dr and my chemo dr. The main take away from that follow up was that I have to fininsh a year's worth (total of 17 treatments with the Projeta & Hercepton). Today was treatment 12 of the the 13 treatments remaining. If I'm not mistaken there will be only one more occassion where I have both radiation and chemo on the same day as radiation is only Mon-Fri. for 6wks. While undergoing chemo I was also informed by one of the chemo nurses that I will need to come in tomorrow for that Neupogen shot. I didn't have to do this following last month's chemo but they wanted me to go ahead and do it this time because my bloodwork analysis from earlier this week revealed that my white blood cells needed a little boost. The explanation she gave as to why that was is that my body is still recovering from the doses of Taxotere (pre-surgery chemo). As a refresher, the Taxotere is not specific in it's fight against cancer-it's approach is to attack everything that's dividing rapidly which is why it tends to pull down immune system, cause hair, nail, and digestive system issues. I've still tried not to be around people who are coughing and have under indications of being sick and God has been keeping me in that area as well. He's good like that:-) If God says the same, tomorrow is the last radiation treatment for this week-FRIDAY!!!

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