Thursday, June 19, 2014

Update 6/19/14-GOD is GOOD!

God continues to cover me...He is so GOOD! Yesterday while driving to work on one of the main highways, my front passenger side tire blew out. Not only did God bless me to slow down and get over to the shoulder while keeping me from getting into an accident doing that. Then he blessed me to inch along on the shoulder until I could get of the highway. My goal was to make it to the Good Year that's near my workplace. While crawling along with my emergency lights on in the downtown area, while I was on the phone with a friend who was checking on me, I heard a tap/knocking on my car. It was one of my co-workers who had recognized my car and had circled back around to see what was going on. He instructed me to pull into a nearby parking lot where he put my spare tire on, which turned out to be on the flat side itself. However it was good enough to make it to the Good Year. While There I was informed that the tire I needed was on-sale AND while the guy said he wasn't sure if my spare would be any good after driving around on it being on the flatside and that I may have to buy a new spare from the dealer, when they called to give me the report of the work done he mentioned that my spare was holding air, so I wouldn't need to buy a new spare after all. Then later on that morning, I got a call from the treatment center informing me that the insurance had approved the MRI, which means no out of pocket expense! The MRI is scheduled of Wednesday of next week. God brought my white blood cell count into a range that was acceptable for treatment so I was able to have a treatment today-this time in the afternoon because it was scheduled so late last week, my normal time slot was not available, but I was just thankful God blessed me to get another treatment knocked out. Only 7 left now. God keeps on marching me right on through. And of course I'm always blessed in spending time with my daddy:-) Treatment days he's here except that one time when one of my aunts filled in because he was out of state. I'm also really thankful that I didn't have a treatment last week because even though I didn't have a treatment my body felt so tired and run down that I felt like I had had a treatment that day. Much better shape today-TGBTG- He ALWAYS knows and does what's BEST. That's why even when He says wait/not now, we have to trust that it is for our good. He sees and knows what we do not. Oh and the decision was made to go ahead and switch me to the neulasta shot staring tomorrow morning. It's stronger/lasts longer than the neupogen shots and I will only have to come in for one shot on the day after treatments rather than coming in on the following 2 days after treatments to receive the shot. I do remember in the hospital when they gave me the shot, it made my back ache to the point of having to take tylenol (which is something I very rarely do) but it's all good-gotta do what we gotta do. If it will give my immune system that extra boost that it needs then it's well worth it. I'm also blessed to report that since I've been back on the Tamoxifen, it has not been causing issues. I'm thinking now that the weekend when I got hit pretty good with the digestive issues, that maybe it was a stomach bug rather than the medicine, though I did give my body some days off the medicine which could've also helped it to flush out any residue from the medicine that was building up in my system. Either way the main thing is all seems to be well again in that area. I added my probiotics by RAW Vitamin Code back to my daily regimen as well, which also seems to be helping (side note: gut/intestines and immune system are connected-healthier our gut, the better shape our immune system will be in). I heard back from the producer of Best Docs Network and we've set a date for the interview, it will be in the 2nd week of July. I'm thankful for how God worked the scheduling out with that because I'm expecting to have more to add to the praise reports with the results of my MRI being in by then. Everyday this week God has blessed me to sell 1 or two books out of the stash that I carry around with me and tomorrow suppose to meet a couple others who are interested. To God Be ALL the Glory!

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