Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Tonight was the first night of rehearsal with the special guest for this year's Candlelight at my church. (Candlelight is an annual worship in song in which there is a guest clinician.) I'm not able to participate with the choir this year, but I know that's not the end of the story. I miss being in the choir and my choir fam and being in church. While I'm thankful that my church live streaming of the service, it's not the same as being there in person. I went to rehearsal tonight timing it so that I was 30 minutes late so that I wouldn't have the opportunity to hug everybody because I still have to be careful about exposures to germs and crowds (it's easier for me not to even set myself up because I miss them and do want to hug). I sat in the back so I wouldn't draw attention. My prayer on the way was that I didn't want to have to watch anyone's kids(really have to watch it germ wise around them) and I just wanted to sit in the back and listen. Well God took it beyond that. Though got there late, God arranged it so that 3 of my sisters were running late and I was able to get 3 hugs :-) I was so happy to see them. I was so blessed just to see my choir fam and to be able to sing along and jam right along with them from my seat in the back. Even before I left the house I was just cheesing-lol. I was blessed just to hear the word that the special guest shared before he began teaching songs. I had to take some notes in my phone. I won't share all that he shared or all of my notes but some highlights: -don't underestimate the Power of music-if not careful we can do damage instead of ministering to people -talked about the "Lucifer syndrome" still exists today-the attitude "look at me"; "look at how well I did/can do"-we've got to remember it's not about us; gotta remember God is the only One deserving of ALL of the Glory and ALL of the Honor, and ALL of the Praise, and ALL of the worship -For every call, there is provision-God has already given us everything we need to handle it/to walk in our calling -we ought to do such a good job that others don't see us but they instead see God/whatever we do oughta point to Him because people don't need to be led to us but God-we can't save and deliver but He can After I walked out of the sanctuary I heard our minister of music say, "did yal see Summer?" so I ducked back in there where I recieved a resounding we love you in unison and waves from everyone. I love them too. I look forward to getting back up there and sitting next to my back row buddies-yes I sit in the very back row lol. Nothing deep I just so grateful to have been able to go tonight. Just blessed, blessed, blessed. I figured since it didn't feel as cold as it had been, may I wouldn't get as many "whoop'ns" for being out instead of at home resting. Lol. Well I really oughta call it a night now. What a way to close the evening. God ALWAYS knows what we need, when we need it and I thank Him for not only knowing but for PROVIDING.

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