Friday, December 13, 2013

Ultrasound and Follow-up with Doctor-Another Good Report!!!

Early early last Sunday morning I checked and noticed that the mass in my breast had shrunken noticably. Since then I had been looking forward to today's ultrasound and follow-up with the dr. that gave me the diagnosis. I went in expecting a good report but I didn't know just how good it would be. God has showed out yet again! Might I also add that God has blessed my stomach/digestion to be doing a lot better. No more waking up in the mornings with stomach "issues". Now I'm slowly trying to integrate veggies back in my diet, which I had to cut due to my stomach issues. Ok back to the report from the ultrasound & dr.: -the ultrasound tech couldn't even find the one lymph node they biopsied and found cancer in previously, which was a good thing-no longer swollen -the dr. could not find the lymph node either when she examined me -according to the dr. judging from the lymph node, the shrinkage of the mass in my breast is 85-90%!!! -because of such a great response they're continuing the chemo (total of 4 cycles-2 down and 2 to go-#3 on Tuesday) -why continue with the chemo? they want to shrink it as much as possible prior to surgery-the smaller they can get it, the less tissue the surgeon will have to remove during surgery; had the response not been good, they would have stopped the chemo and switched gears to surgery -both the ultra sound tech, the dr. and her assistant complimented me on my new do too. I appreciated that:-) Daddy came with me to the appointment and I asked him to bring his clippers again because my hair was starting to grow back some.He cut it back down for me earlier this evening. I had told him we had to get a picture of us with our similar hairdos (mine is shorter than his though lol). We did that before he got back on the rd. I have good medical team but I can't give them the glory and credit for the healing that's taking place. The chemo drugs that I'm being treated with on paper are the best approach for dealing with the type of breast cancer I have but I cannot give credit there either but it is God and God alone Who deserves all of the PRAISE, GLORY, & HONOR for the healing that He is causing to occur in my body. He is working through the team that is responsible for my treatment and through the chemo that is being administered. Without God the efforts of the team and the chemo itself would be ineffective. God has brought me so far so quickly and I know He's still at work as He continues to bless me to progress in this healing process.

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