Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day 5 (following chemo round 2)

Today marked day 5 following chemo round 2. *side effect meds taken up to the 3rd day following a treatment. Following the first round of chemo, I began feeling the side effects on day 4 but with round 2 side effects seemed to wait until day 5. From my body basically flushing my system of the food consumed yesterday-without proper digestion (and as a result being scared to mess with much solid foods) to constant headache, back pain (caused by the injection to help with white blood cell count), overall feeling like I was coming down with something, most of today was not a pleasant experience. Another note from the 1st round of chemo is that between the chemo and the unexpected trip to the ER and hospital stay, they put me back on one of the anti-side effect medications because I had grown weak from not being able to keep food in my system and it was important that I build my strength back up before the next treatment. It worked well and I was able to take a reduced dose all the way up to the 2nd round of chemo. One concern I have with continuing to take this one particular med is that it will lose it's effectiveness if I'm always having to take it past the 1st 3 days following a treatment. This time God-willing, I'm going to ride it out any digestion issues. So far even with the digestion issues I've experienced this time around, I've not experienced the weakness that I experienced in the days following the first round. After breakfast ran right through me, I resorted to my protein shake which also contains vitamins, minerals, carbs, and fats and very diluted odwalla juice. I did eat a little ground turkey and green veggies but that didn't quite feel right so back to the shake I went. Finally broke down and took the tylenol for headache and back pain (I'd rather not take meds unless I just absolutely have too-preference is to keep it as natural as possible). I mentioned in the beginning of this post how the day didn't start of so well, but let me also say that God did not leave it that way. He sent one in the cloud of witnesses of breast cancer survivors to check on me and to listen to me as I had a "moment" which she fully understood; and after which she prayed for me. It was not long after that He began turning my day around; blessing me to feel alot better; kinda "felt like running"-lol. Then He blessed me with a visit from one of my sisters who's been so faithful in checking on me and looking after me (so blessed because Friday afterwork I came home and haven't been back out-today is Tuesday) it was good to just laugh and talk in person. This evening another dear sister in Christ brought me some crackers and broth that God blessed me to be able to eat and keep down. Looks like I'll be on that and my shakes for a few days but TGBTG anyhow-still blessed. Yet another example of God's faithfulness and response to the cries of His children. Not only does He hear but He cares and is concerned. He provides. In life, just because we love God and walk with God fellowshipping with Him via His word and through prayer does not mean that we'll never have "moments", or have to go through some unpleasant experiences/midnight moments, but having that type of relationship with God, we can be confident that He will not leave us hanging in our time of need.

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