Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Procedure & lumpectomy in the books-Praising God for What We've Seen and Heard!

If you recally yesterday before the surgery I mentioned how God had reminded me the night before to hold onto what He told me. Last night's evening devotional scripture, "And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them." Luke 2:20 was the perfect complement for what followed on yesterday. Not only did God Bless me to go home on the same day and without the need of any pain medicines. I thank God for speaking, allowing me to hear and recieve and ALWAYS holding true to His word! Now for the breakdown and of the day: When daddy and I arrived at the hospital to check in a little early. Not long before they called me to go through everything with the admission officer, dear sister and brother in Christ arrived. The admission process was pretty short and sweet. After that we were escorted to radiology where I would recieve the dye injection for the lymph nodes and where a dr. would come in and insert a small wire that would mark the area where the mass (what was left of it) was located. Let me also share, that in the diagnostic phase, when they did a breast biopsy, a small clip was inserted to mark the location of the mass so that in event of any future breast health checks, or if surgery was ever needed, the area that had been biopsied and would be clear. Ok so back to yesterday in radiology. In order for the doctor to insert the wire the mass and clip would need to be located via a breast ultrasound or a mammogram. The nurses had been instructed to try the ultrasound method first because it would be a quicker process. Before the nurse escorted me back there my daddy asked her what her name was and said that he saw where she was going and that if we took too long, he was coming back there-lol and as we were walking off he told me to behave (because he knew I was hungry-for those who know me, they know I tend to have a personality change when I get too hungry). One of the nurses tried but could not definatively locate the mass and clip, she asked one of the other nurses who also works with ultrasound to give it a shot. When the second nurse couldn't find it, they informed the doctor who told them to go ahead and use the mammogram but that he still wanted to try to locate the area of concern via the ultrasound when he finished with the patient he was currently with. When the dr. when he came said that whatever they were giving me (referring to the chemo) was working-causing the lesion be disappearing and hard to find which of course was a good thing. Well he found what he thought was the clip (mentioned above) and decided to use that as a reference for inserting the wire but because the dye for my lymph nodes needed to be injected 2-3hrs prior to surgery, he opted to get that done 1st. Usually dr's and nurses will tell you, "you're going to feel a pinch, a little sting, or "say take a deep breath", but both the dr. and one of the nurse said it was going to sting in a tone like it's not going to be little either. One of the nurses said she promised it would only last for a minute though. The dye, which is radioactive, was injected just under the skin of my breast, where it would then travel from my breast to the lymph nodes which drain the breast so that the surgeon would know which lymph nodes to remove for biospy-sentinel nodes are the ones that he would focus on. Before he got ready to inject, each nurse took hold of one of my hands (to squeeze in case I needed to). He injected the dye a couple times and squeeze I did, so much so that I felt the need to apologize to the nurses for squeezing so hard. One of them commented that she should have given me her left hand-LOL. That "sting" was something else-the closest pain I could compare it to was the time that I got stung by a scorpion-also a burning sensation only this was intensified quite a bit more than that-MULTIPLIED a few times. In fact when I the dr. moved right into the procedure for inserting the wire, I didn't even feel the numbing shot he gave me. After the wire was in, one of the nurses took me to her mammogram room for another set of images to confirm whether or not the wire was inserted in the right place. Come to find out it was not, so the dr. said he do the procedure using the mammogram as a reference this time. The nurse used the images to mark the area where he would need to insert the wire. This time I felt a sting as he broke the skin but thank God that the local anesthetic was still working once he got pass that layer. This time before inserting the wire all the way in, he had the nurse do another mammogram to make sure he was on the right track. The images showed that confirmed just that and he finished up. After that another mammogram to confirm that with the wire all the way in, that it was on target with as far as the area of conern and this time it was. Because they spent time with both the ultrasound and the mammogram, having to insert a 2nd wire, it took longer than expected. Before heading back out to where my daddy and fam were, I went to the bathroom and while I was in there I was thinking daddy is probably about ready come looking for us because we've taken longer than expected. Sure enough that's what he told the nurse that was sent out to give an update-LOL-I know my daddy. Anyway after that I was escorted to the operating room holding area. When I got there the nurses went to work-typical scale for weight, asked me my height, bp, pulse, etc. When the nurse who was tasked with starting the IV came in and sat down, I aksed him if we was going to use a butterfly needle (for my last MRI, the radiologist was able to use a butterfly needle to start the IV so figured I'd ask). The nurse said no but that the good thing was that he was able to use a numbing shot-said it was going to feel like a Texas mesquito and after he administered it, I told him that mesquito was hungry-lol. After wiggling around in there for a little while but to no avail, he called in another nurse. When she came in she asked me something regarding my viens, I reminded her they told me I had to fast which included water too and she was like I know it's cold and we tell you to fast and we expect your veins to cooperate. She jokingly mentioned something about a margarita but I said I don't want a margarita but some graham crackers or something would be good-lol. I'm thankful she was able to get the IV started though because of the placement told me I had to keep my arm straight. Another one of the nurse said come over with her stethoscope to take a listen. When she got to my stomach I told her she might hear some grumbling-lol. The anesthesiologist checked in with me briefly as well. From there I was taken to another radiology area so that they could make sure the dye had dispersed where it needed to. As they were rolling me out, daddy asked if I needed a phone so I could call him if they hurt me-LOL. Everything checked out there and the radiologist marked the main node for the surgeon. As I was being rolled back to the operating holding area, and were passing through the waithing area for family and loved ones, I saw that two of my sisters in Christ who are like real sisters to me had made it. The escort stopped long enough for a quick hello and hugs and continued on. During the remaining time in the holding room, the surgeon came in to talk to me and to see if I had any questions. The main question I had for him was whether or not the other dr. contacted him and explained the wire situation to him (even though the first wire inserted was inaccurately placed, he left it in there for the surgeon to remove at the time of the surgery). I wanted to make sure he used the right one for a guide regarding what tissue to remove. I was thankful to hear that he had been briefed on that. I also asked how many lymph nodes he would be removing. He said he would be removing 1-6 out of 30 lymph nodes. I was also given the opportunity to ask the anesthesiologist any questions-but I didn't have any for her. After that daddy went to go get the fam that I mentioned above, 3 of my sisters and one of my brothers. They formed a circle around me, pastor daddy prayed, and he took my special blanket to hold on to so it wouldn't get soiled in surgery. I was presented with at the end of January's SWP (Singles With Purpose) Real Talk on behalf of the singles and what makes it so special is that are the letters at the top of it that read "To God Be The Glory", the pictures from various singles events as well as some (but not all) of the church fam whom I hold dear, AND the background is my favorite color, ORANGE. I was covered with it from the time I arrived in the operating holding area up until surgery. Funny before they escorted me to the operating room, one of my sisters got the name of the nurse and told her that they new her name and would be back there if they took too long-LOL. My pastor also came while I was in surgery to and prayed and has been praying for me and I am and gateful. I must also mention that mom and granny wanted to be there but due the weather conditions not being conducive to traveling in from out of town, weren't able to. I did get to talk to them via txt the night before and to mom via phone for a few minutes while in the operating room holding area. One of my brothers who also lives out of town and wanted to be there with me but had to work on top of weather conditions already mentioned, texted to encourage me and let me know he was praying too. There are so many others who have been praying for me and there for me, throughout this process and though they were not able to be there physically they sent words of encouragement, and let me know they were praying. I'm so thankful for each and every one of them. I don't know that they realize how much there prayers and words of encouragement mean to me but they have a HUGE impact as did those who were there physically. I cannot thank God enough for my whole support system-so BLESSED!!! As we rolled down the hallway of operating rooms, we passed by one room where they were blasting some an "ol school" jam while cleaning up. The last thing I remember is being moved from my bed to the operating table and really feeling the anesthesia starting to come on strong-lol. Next thing I knew I was in the recovery area with an oxygen mask on my face, and praying and thanking God. I tried to get some more naptime in. Even once I felt like I could open my eyes longer I tried not to let them see me with them open too much because I was tired and not ready to get up lol. When I saw one of the nurses rolling one of the hospital chairs my way so they could get me up, I was like, "dang"-naptime over. They went to get daddy and after he saw that I was ok and talked to me a little bit, he went to get one of my sisters to help me get dressed. Btw no pain meds needed as I was coming of the anesthesia-"Ain't God GOOD!" After that they went over discharge instructions with the her and then she went over them again with me and I was free to go-of course they had to roll me out in a will chair but TGBTG I was able to go home the same day! I noticed the area on my breast where they injected the dye for my lymph nodes was blue but when I used the restroom for the first time after being home from the hospital, I had BLUE urine! It was as if I had put one of those blue tabs in the toilet to turn the water blue-no exaggeration it was that blue for real. Daddy stayed with me again last night at one point we were both delirous-we were cuttn up and laughting at eachother. I told him his switch had gone off and I couldn't talk LOL. I checked out the both insicions this morning-one roughly 2-2.5 inches and the other roughly 1.5-2 inches and both dressed with glue rather than bandages; sore but still no need for any type of pain meds; leg's not quite full strength but alot stronger than they were leaving the hospital yesterday; overall feeling good-TGBTG On Friday they should know (and I should recieve word) if they got the negative margins around the mass that was removed, which is needed to confirm whether or not they got it all and the results of the biopsies on the lymph nodes removed should be in as well. God's got all that too-trusting Him to continue to walk me through this journey of overcoming. Healing one step at a time-TGBTG!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great report. Thankful for your speedy recovery and strength through the process! God bless you!
