Tuesday, October 15, 2013


I missed playing ball today and had a few of my ball'n buddies who saw me on a cardio machine rather than on the court asked if I was playing. Felt like more than just saying that I would have to catch 'em on Thursday, that I had to share the reason behind it, but also share why I'm not worried and how I know that God's got me. While out of the office yesterday, as I communicated with my supervisor via text and email, I indicated that I would talk to her more about it when I got back to the office. Well today was that day. She mentioned that she didn't know what to say and was in shock when she recieved the news initially because I do all the right things as far as eating and health. But my situation is a case in point that we can eat right and exercise all we want but ultimately it's up to God and that's basically what I shared with her-we do our part but the rest is up to God. My faith is still in my God the same place it was before cancer and the same place it will be all the way through this journey to victory over cancer and where it will be when He has blessed me to overcome. I'm thankful the Lord held me together during the conversation. Sharing news like this with someone face-to-face seeing their facial expression, feeling sad and sorry for you or in shock can be challenging. You can walk in feeling fine and confident then you see them and then it's like "Lord hold me together." But our God is so Faithful. He came through. I was thinking about this evening how it seems as though God has placed around me a great cloud of breast cancer survivor witnesses, who are women of God, who have already in such a short time encouraged me via texts, phone calls, face-to-face, let me know that they're there for me (not just saying it to be nice but who really mean it) and are praying for me. God is so GOOD, always looking out for His children and reminding them that He's there, that He knows and that He cares. God continues to prove His love for me,that He's with me every step of the way and that He is my Provider and will not fall short of that. That's our Heavenly Father, the Greatest Father of all-time. PET Scan in the morning...time to call it a night.

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