Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Going with God's Flow

Well today I thought I would be blogging about the 1st chemo treatment but that's not the case. I went in fasted to the doctor's office fasted, and after waiting an hour to be called back, was told that they were still trying to work things out with my insurance regarding the type of chemo we had decided to go with (strongly recommended by the dr.-safer approach). I was given 3 options, pay 7K out of pocket, wait until Thursday (to get the final word from the insurance), or go with a different chemo cocktail. While it was hard to swallow, as I was ready to get the treatment started continuing the forward march towards victory, not to add I was hungry, had missed work, and was wondering why they couldn't have atleast told us, what the deal was when we walked in, ultimately I went with "wait until Thursday". I relayed everything to 3 of my sisters as when we came out(Mom and daddy were in the room with me so they already knew the deal). After saying goodbyes and brief chat, I hopped back in the truck with daddy so I could get back to my apartment and get ready for work. I wanted to atleast get a half day in. The BEST thing about it is that not even that took God by surprise. The other blessing is that tommorrow God-willing I will be able to go to work and participate in the Inspire U activity with my 2 mentees, which is something that I may have had to miss had I had a chemo treatment today. It took a little while but I got over the change in schedule. He knows best and He's still working His plan. I learned while I was there that I needed to eat before chemo because of the potential of blood sugar dropping (I've experience blood sugar dropping before and sho' not trying to go there again lol). The "change of plans" really through me off and I had to really take some time to pray when I got to work but there are so many reasons why Thursday is actually a better day (besides the most important one, because GOD SAID SO, more time for body to recover from the mediport surgical procedure-still not totally adjusted, mentor mentee event which I really didn't want to miss). It's a blessing to have a Heavenly Father Who ALWAYS does what's right and what's best, even when it's contrary to what we think we want. God's still got me and He's still in full control. Things may happen on a different timetable than we've anticipated and prepared for but we've got to remember Who's in control of time and Who's really running things(and for good reason too-nobody on His level;none like Him). Even with the day starting off the way it did, I'm just so thankful. God showed me a glimpse of how blessed I am. Today in addition to daddy helping me with things around my apartment, mom and daddy who were there at the dr's office with me, 3 of my sisters were also there, one of which is part of the cloud of witnesses of breast cancer survivors, this evening family bought and delivered groceries, more family blessing me with furniture and prayed with me while here. All of the family that I mention are family via the blood of Jesus. Other brothers and sisters in Christ are yet praying for me, calling, texting,ect. It's a blessing when people don't just say "you're family" but call you brother, sister, daughter, and mean it-carrying the responsibility that goes along with claiming someone as fam. I believe they know that I'd do the same for them. What a support system God has blessed me with. His grace, His grace, His grace.

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