Tuesday, October 22, 2013

"Won't He do it!"

This morning He didn't wake me up via the noise of my alarm clock but He woke me up with some of the words of the song "I will be with you" by Richard Smallwood (I'm pretty sure that's the right artist), the part that was playing in my spirit was, "if you will only trust me, trust me, trust me" That was followed by my bible study of observations from healing miracles of Jesus, today was the healing of the 2 demon possessed men. Something to consider...When the demons entered a whole herd of swine, they immediately drove the swine to their physical death, yet when Hesus came upon the two men, they were still physically alive. God did not let those demons drive those men to their physical death. The demons also recognized Who Jesus was and what their final destination entailed-torment. On the way to present at a training session I got stuck in traffic and thought to myself, "traffic wasn't that bad yesterday", I was thinking I was going to have to ask a co-worker who does the presentation with me to cover my part as well because I didn't think I was going to make it but the Holy Spirit said just recalculate on your GPS and get an alternate route. I was less than 5 mins. late, even when initially I didn't think I was going to make it to that 1st session. Even when we think there is no way, God makes a way and shows us the way-"Won't He do it!" There were two sessions a morning and an afternoon. In between the 2 sessions I had to get back to the office to draft a comment on a rule and send it out for review. I thought I'd really be pushing it but the Lord blessed me to get that done with some time to spare-"Won't He do it!" During that time I heard back from the surgeon's office regarding the scheduling of the procedure to insert the mediport. The initial appointment was set for 3:30pm and I had to be fasting from midnight the day before. Of course I asked if there was anything earlier because I was thinking that's a long time with no food lol. But finally just said well whatever I gotta do because I needed that procedure done this week in order for me to have the 1st treatment on next Tuesday. Well about an hour later, I noticed a missed call and a message. It was the surgeon's office again. When I called them back they wanted to know if they could move my appointment up to 8am instead of 3:30pm due to the surgeon having to fit another patient in.God knows our spiritual concerns but He also knows our practical concerns. Sometimes He'll just drop a blessing in our lap, saying to us "I just wanted to remind you that I'm here and yes I hear you, even though you didn't make any comment to me about it (i.e. you thought it and/or told mentioned it to someone other than me)"-"Won't He do it!" When I got back to the office, one of the supervisors told my supervisor that I did an excellent job and was very complimentary of my part of the presentation and when my supervisor relayed that to me, she commented that if you were a little "off", or shaky today, it would have been understandable considering all that's going on with you, but I very pleased to hear how great a job you did. I mention that to point right back to God yet again, when it would seem that we should be unbalanced and falling apart because of cirmcumstances in our personal lives combined with the stress of work-meeting short deadlines and just trying to get everything done that needs to get done, God is able to not only hold us together but give us peace and a confidence in Him and to bless us to excel in the midst of and inspite of-"Won't He do it!" He worked through a few friends to send me the link to poem that just encouraged me and made me smile and another animated text to make me laugh.God is able to keep us encouraged and put a smile on our face and joy in our hearts-"Won't He do it!" God loves us, He's always at work and nothing, is ever out of His control. He will come through if we will only trust Him and walk by faith-"Won't He do it!"

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