Sunday, October 13, 2013

From "probably nothing" to breast cancer diagnosis

A little over a month ago during my yearly physical, the nurse practician, felt a lump. Even though she said it was probably nothing, she gave me a referral for a breast ultrasound to make sure. So I scheduled the ultrasound. Next was the follow-up results. Sitting in the room waiting for the dr. To come in with breast cancer images, pictures and diagrams was intimidating and scary to say the least and it seemed to take forever for the dr. to come in. One person comes in asking questions to obtain information needed for the required paperwork. Then a second person with more questions an paperwork. Next the nurse practicianer who conducted a breast exam and FINALLY the dr. who also conducted a breast exam. That visit ended with an " I don't think it's cancer but rather a benign lump, but because there's a discrepancy in the size of the lump, I want you to come have an MRI done." I left there encouraged and thankful, that was good news she seemed fairly confident that there was no need to be concerned about any abnormalities.  The MRI was to be scheduled 2 wks from that day and that was quite an experience. I had it done on a Tuesday. I know it was only God's Grace that kept me through that too. During the MRI I prayed and shed some tears as I was praying to my Loving Heavenly Father Who cares for all of His children including me. Towards the end of the MRI I felt His Peace in the midst of the loud noise and vibrations of the machine. An illustration of how God can give us peace in the midst of the "noises" of life. I received results of the MRI on Friday of that same week. According to the dr. the appearance was atypical for cancer but suspicious, so she said a biopsy of the mass was in order. A mamogram and another ultrasound was required in preparation for the biopsy as well. 3 days later I was back for a biopsy of the mass. God Blessed everything to go smoothly, laughed and talked with the radiologist the whole time. Recovery was excellent too. No pain meds, no Tylenol and no ice needed.  This past Friday (as in 2 days ago), i recieved the diagnosis from the dr. that I have cancer but that it did not appear to be the invasive type. that in and of itself was a blessing! as she continued to talk explaining the next steps including how i would need to have a biopsy on a lymph node that was swollen, have a BRAC test run on my blood, as well as a PET Scan to make sure there was no cancer anywhere else in my body and how i would need to meet with a plastic surgeon and an oncology surgeon because the removal of the mass would require reconstruction of my right breast. I thought what about my future husband, but the holy Spirit quickly countered that assuring me that that would not be an issue with the man He has for me and that it will only make it easier for him to see the beauty that counts the most- whats on the inside. they tried to draw blood druing that same appointment but after 5 sticks were unsuccessful and decided to postpone until Monday before the 2nd biopsy. So that's where we are now. Buioosy #2  and blood drawn tomorrow, PET Scan on Wednesday and reaulta on Friday. Through out the process so far I have been so blessed by those whom God has strategically placed in my life fam, and adopted fam, brothers and sisters in Christ- prayer warriors and encouragers who walk and live by faith and are strong in their faith in each of those categories. I'm so grateful to God for each of them (they all know who they are). I am so encouraged because of who God is and because I see Him at work even now. That's why I can laugh and joke and enjoy life even now. In fact was blessed in our singles real talk yeterday followed by spending time with fam in Kingsville the other part of yesterday and driving back after church with them this afternoon. I in Whom I place my complete hipe trust and confidence- none other than my Awesome God. A few weeks ago, God put in my spirit that I was not going anywhere until He had accomplished His plan for my life and I believe Him. For His word is the absolute truth; it's concrete. Romans 8:28 says "we know that all things work together for the good of them who love The Lord and are called according to His purpose." And I believe that. Romans 8:37 says "nay in all these things[tribulation-trouble, distress, persecution,or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword-wars] we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us." And I believe that. I know God's got me and I thank Him in advance for the Victory; for Blessing me to Overcome! TGBTG!!!

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