Sunday, October 27, 2013


Yesterday I didn't know if I was going to make it to church this morning, do to physical limitations like still feeling a little on the weak side, pain and soreness, stiffness in my neck that could potentially hinder my driving, but by this morning God had restored the range of motion in my neck (the main thing that would have kept me off the road). Got winded for the 1st time ever trying to take a shower. I just thanked God for sufficient grace and strength for today and prayed before getting on the road and as I was driving. That enemy will sure try to throw some doubt, and excuses at us to try to cause us to turn back and away from our blessing like what he tried to through at me today "you're not feeling up to par, you had to stop and rest this morning-how are you going to make it to church and through church, you're not going to be able to make it through the whole service without feeling like you need to come back home, you can't drive yourself, it's men's day so the word will probably be geared at the men anyway" but we've got to be able to distinguish God's warnings from the enemy's attempts to discourage us and mess with our minds. It's so critical that we stay armored up and prayerful. I felt like I like the woman with the issue of blood was pressing my way through to get to Jesus. Just as our Lord did not disappoint her, I too was blessed. As we already know, the devil is a lie, God blessed me to make it to church and through church and God used the guest preacher, Pastor J.R. Miller to remind me that I'm "A Developing Testimony"-I'm not there yet but God is developing a testimony in my life and that as God is developing a testimony in the lives of His children there are 3 Don'ts: 1)Don't stop praying 2)Don't stop persevering 3)Don't let go of our faith. What a word, What a word. God is always on point in EVERY way-He's just GOOD like that. What an AWESOME God we serve. Now I was worn out after that and making 2 quick stops on the way in BUT it was well worth it. God's grace is always sufficient and He is Faithful. Sometimes in order to get what God has for us we have to be willing to press our way through, be it physical, mental, or even people with bad understandings. God will not leave us hanging. PRESS!!!

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