Monday, October 14, 2013

biopsy #2, & BRAC-Still Encouraged

My quiet time this morning ended with Romans 11:36, which says, "For everything comes from Him and exists by His Power and is intended for His glory. All glory to Him forever! Amen" (NLT) that really resonated with me considering this new territory that God is leading me through. Yet another reminder that He is with me. Sometimes if we're not careful; if we don't keep our guard up, we can lose sight of the fact of one of te main purposes of our life-God's glory. Our life is not about us, it's not about being comfortable all of the time, it's meant for God's glory. It's all about the One Who made us and Sustains us. I believe that through this battle with breast cancer and the Victory that He will give me over breast cancer will give Him glory. God is able to get the glory in our battles when we choose to allow God to be our Commander, applying Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in The Lord with all thine heart and lean not on thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths."

Today was the 2nd biopsy which I mentioned in the previous post. This 1 was done on a lymph node that was swollen. prayerfully the results will reveal that its just inflamed and benign. Before the procedure one of the assistants tried to encouragem me saying cancer is not what it used to be and that we were gonna beat it. i had to quickly chime in and assure her that i was not worry because this did not take God by surprise and that nothing comes into my life without His permission. when we know Who is in control, Who it is that allowed it we can be confident that Everything is going to be alright and it will be more than a feeling that eerything is going to be alright. we can say we know and beliebe everything is gonna be alright. God blessed the procedure to go well. Me and the radiologist talked suing most alot during this biospy as we did suring the 1st one. Having a radiologist who likes to talk and joke ( as long as it doesnt distract them from the task at hand) really helps one get through the procedure. there were 2 assistants this time, one of which was holding my hand the whole time and telling me to squeeze if anything hurt. Well this was kind of funny because I felt like she was squeezing my hand harder than I was squeezing hers lol. Then towards the end she said I was gripping kind of tight, I guess I was squeezing hard than I thought. Lol  I had to have blood drawn for the BRACS test following the biopsy. The dr. requested this because of my age (29), which is young for a breast cancer diagnosis. I'm thankful this time they were able to get it with one stick. Last Friday they stuck me multiple times but were unsuccessful with each attempt. You better believe I was drinking that water and parting this time around; God took care of the rest and I am thankful. Blessed again by the presence of my daddy and to be able to spend some quality time with him after finishing up at the dr. I'm also very grateful and blessed by others including my mom ad dad in Cali who have shown their love and support- mom, "adopted" fam who've taken time out of their day to be with me at an appointment and for all friends and fam who've been praying for me and encouraging me via txts, phone calls. With that in addition to knowing and believing God is with me, I can't help but to continue to be encouraged, joyful and to keep on keeping on as the saying goes. This Wednesday is the PET scan. God Bless & KTF

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